Confirmed Industry Staff Air Tickets

/_assets/ZlZKZi8zOWZlSDJMZndsZW9qeUxUZz09  No more stand-by travel!

Confirmed Positive Space Air-Tickets with over 25 airlines for travel industry employees!

Prices from only Eur100 return + tax (longhaul) & Eur90 return Europe 

Companion eligible!

Departures are from Europe only (including Germany, France, UK, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium & Luxembourg)

Destinations in Asia & Middle East, Africa & Indian Ocean, USA/Canada, Central and South America & Europe 

Click here for Quick Reference Guide to flights available 

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Eligibility varies between airline carriers. All are available to Travel Agents, most are available to Airline Employees and some are available to Airport Staff/ATC and Freight Forwarders. Please read the eligibility carefully on the links above 

Tickets are available to employee + spouse or companion

** ​Discounts, prices and availability may vary considerably between airlines, so check the above links for indications and email the Staff Travel Voyage ticket desk for final prices and availability.


You will be required to submit PROOF of employment before your flight is booked. Official airline photo airport ID card is acceptable for some airlines, and a letter from your airline/travel agency confirming employment may be required by other airlines. 

Conditions vary depending on airline and can be found on the links above and by emailing our ticket desk ([email protected])

A Euro EUR19 per person booking fee is payable on European flights and EUR39 per person booking fee is payable on all flights destinations outside Europe.


** You must be registered as an Airline or Travel Agency/Tour Operator employee (FREE) with Staff Travel Voyage before making a request or for your flights to be requested. If you are not yet registered click here

** Please read the information on the above links to check you are eligible to apply for tickets and to see which airline and route you require 'before' emailing the ticket desk! We cannot answer 'general enquiries', only actual flight/route and booking requests.

** Please email the STV Ticket desk [email protected] and provide the following information:

1) Your full name and your companion/other passenger name/s
2) Your company employer
3) Your requested and preferred airline for travel and route, and please provide a 2nd and 3rd choice if applicable
4) Your requested dates of travel with 2nd and 3rd choice if applicable
5) Please do not email the ticket desk to ask what flights are available in general, or to ask which routes airlines operate to. You can check airline routes and schedules using the airline official websites.
6) Requests will be handled in date departing order to please allow suitable time for a reply.


All air ticket purchases are by contract and protected by IATA 23-2 6338 0 Klüber Touristik GmbH