Eligibility / Elegibilidad / Berechtigung / Admissibilité / Eleggibilità

The rates found on our website are highly discounted, and strictly only available to employees of the travel industry that are actively able to help spread the word and recommend our hotels to the general public and people they come into contact with on a day-to-day basis.

Staff Travel Voyage offer different rates for different types of travel industry employees. Please only register and login to the category that best describes you:

Airline Staff and Travel Agents: Click Here 

(Includes tour operators and retired airline staff)

Hotel Employees: Click Here

Includes employees of individual independent hotels and hotel groups/chains

Friends & Family: Click Here  

Friends and Family of ALL categories of travel Industry employees traveling unaccompanied 

Other Travel Industry categories: Click Here 

Register and Login as Airline & Travel Agency employees. For example Airport Handling Agents, Tourism Boards, Cargo/Freight Agents, Space Tourism (SpaceX, Virgin Galactic & Blue Origin) & Travel Trade Media. 


Airline, Travel Agency and Hotel employees must carry proof of employment with them for presentation at the hotel on check-in (also applies to 'Other' travel industry employees)

Friends & Family must be able to prove they are registered with Staff Travel Voyage when they check in when/if asked 

Airline, Travel Agent, Hotel & 'Other Travel Industry category' Employees
The rates found on our website applicable to Airline, Travel Agent, Tour Operator and Hotel employees are very highly discounted and strictly policed to protect against abuse. You must be able to help spread the word and recommend our hotels to the general public and people you come into contact with on a day-to-day basis and/or qualify for discounted travel industry employee air tickets as a benefit of your employment. You must be prepared to present adequate proof of employment whenever asked by the hotel, which can be at the time your booking is accepted and on check-in at the hotel.

Always carry your proof of employment/ID with you! Should you not be able to provide proof of your employment the hotel may charge you the full published rate on check in/out. Airline Employees may present their official picture I.D. card, or if they do not have one, another form of unquestionable proof of employment at the airline. Travel Agents and Tour Operators may present a company business card however this may need to be supported by a letter of confirmation of employment by their manager, or any other form of unquestionable proof of employment or role as a travel agent. Hotel employees simply provide evidence of your employment. If in doubt, hotels reserve the right to make further checks and make contact with your employer for verification of your status whilst you are staying at the hotel.

Friends & Family
Please ensure you can provide evidence of your registration with Staff Travel Voyage when you check in to the hotelFriends & Family traveling unaccompanied may only book STV Direct rates (not STV Super Special rates). These STV Direct specially discounted rates were tradtionally only available to airline employees and travel agents, however they are now also available to ‘Friends & Family’ of all travel industry employees (such as staff of airlines, travel agencies, tour operators, hotels, airport handling agents, tourism boards or any other companies that are actively involved in travel and tourism). Friends & Family may travel unaccompanied without the travel industry employee and can book as many rooms as you like every year, but must be present for at least 50% of the stay.